How Does CBD Help Those With Gut Inflammation And Other GI Conditions?

How Does CBD Help Those With Gut Inflammation And Other GI Conditions?

Find out in this Q&A with Simply Gluten Free Magazine and Dr. Aimée Gould Shunney, a naturopathic physician who blends conventional medical diagnosis and treatment with the use of natural therapeutics like dietary and lifestyle counseling, nutritional supplements, and herbal medicine. She specializes in women’s health, bio-identical hormone balancing, sexual medicine, and functional digestive issues. She is a Medical Advisor to CV Sciences, makers of PlusCBD Oil™ products. 

Sex for One: 10 Surprising Benefits of Sex

Sex for One: 10 Surprising Benefits of Sex

This blog is about all the amazing reasons to have sex that extend far beyond connecting with your beloved. While nurturing your partnership may be reason enough to maintain a vibrant and active sex life, it is important to understand that sex also confers significant benefit to YOU in that it can actually improve your emotional and physical health. That’s right, folks, you heard it here: intimacy, sex, and orgasm contribute to optimal health.

Go On, Knock Yourself Out: My Favorite Herbs for a Good Night's Sleep

Go On, Knock Yourself Out: My Favorite Herbs for a Good Night's Sleep

Let’s face it: Sleep doesn’t come first for most of us. But maybe it should. Did you know that poor sleep increases your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and obesity? That it decreases your ability to concentrate and focus, increases hunger, and negatively impacts metabolism? That it is associated with anxiety and depression? And that the National Sleep Foundation reports that approximately 100,000 car accidents per year are the result of drowsiness and estimates the direct and indirect annual costs of sleep disorders to the US economy at $100 billion?

Yikes! This is why I counsel my patients over and over again about the need to (ahem) wake up and prioritize sleep.

Bio-Identical Hormones: Separating Fact from Fiction

Bio-Identical Hormones: Separating Fact from Fiction

I have been studying and prescribing bio-identical hormones for almost 20 years, and spending just as much time trying to explain why they are, in most cases, a better choice than non-bio-identical hormones. I have found that much of the information available about bio-identical hormones (and hormone therapy in general) is confusing at best, and often misleading. In an effort to set the record straight, I have compiled the following answers to the most common questions. I get asked about hormones.